Guest Comments

When you stay at Seafari, please write in our guestbook and tell us about your visit!

Some ideas of things you may wish to share:

We love it when our guests (especially the young ones) contribute little drawings of what they see while on the island!

Note: If you have suggestions for improvements, email us at, rather than put that in the guestbook.

The photo albums below which are not linked indicate albums where photos of the guestbook comments for that year are in the process of being compiled and having guest names redacted before posting.

Seafari Guestbook 2024

Seafari Guestbook 2023

Seafari Guestbook 2022

Seafari Guestbook 2021

Seafari Guestbook 2020

Seafari Guestbook 2019

Seafari Guestbook 2018

Seafari Guestbook 2017

Seafari Guestbook 2016

Seafari Guestbook 2015

Seafari Guestbook 2014

Seafari Guestbook 2013

Seafari Guestbook 2012

Seafari Guestbook 2011

Seafari Guestbook 2010